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The Pain of Private Practice

So you've finally made the leap! Or was it some time ago now? Either way, here you are reading a blog about what to do because perhaps - it isn't going as easily as you thought it might. 

I mean there's just so much to do: endless to-do lists, endless appointments, endless midnight thoughts about whether or not to hire a social media manager. When does it end? And do you really have the capital to invest and wait for 6 months in the hope of a smoother business? I know I didn't. 

Another email from that insurance, prompting some document you've never heard of, another late invoice, a sense of being overwhelmed and out of control permeating your every fibre. And they said starting your own business would be fun! 

Well, you're here now. It's unwise to turn back; far better off sticking it through and learning how to make this work for you. 

Gurus upon gurus will tell you what to do, and gurus u[on gurus will tell you what they tried to (surprise, surprise - it was everything except their strategy...!). What's my strategy? Well, at least an honest one. Honest because it's not unique; it's common. Tried and tested. Ancient, even (in terms of the lifespan of the internet). MY strategy is good old fashioned: CONFIDENCE. 

I know health practitioners; I am one(!). I know therapists and doctors, dentists and nurses, physios and nutritionists. And they all have one thing in common; their goal has always be to help and support people. Their goal was never about self-promotion or marketing/ finding their niche or . They lack the ability to promote, persuade, engage and attract clients. The lack the confidence to speak out. 

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